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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does WentFlying cost?

WentFlying is now free. You can also try the demo account to get a feel for what WentFlying can do.

Can WentFlying replace my paper logbook?

No, in New Zealand a paper logbook is still required for gliding and general aviation. You can however print your WentFlying logbook and paste it into your paper logbook. This saves filling out two separate logbooks. WentFlying can also store a lot more information than can fit in your logbook, such as your log file of the flight.

Do you have a portable handheld version of WentFlying?

Not yet, however we definitely have this on the to-do list.

Do I have to insert all my old flights?

No you can use WentFlying from any point in your flying career, and you don't have to insert all your old flights. We're working on a way to insert your current flight totals, so WentFlying will report totals with the correct values.

Any other questions or suggestions?

We're very much open to any suggestions, please Contact us